PRACTICE AREA Homeowners Association Representation Attorney İrfan Gülşen can handle the creation and review of homeowners association documents. These are the binding rules and regulations by which homeowners will need to abide. They must be written in language that avoids ambiguity and is easy for homeowners to understand. By writing articulate and concise association rules, it may be possible to minimize the number of disputes that arise. Individual Representation regarding Homeowners Association In addition to the representation we provide to homeowners associations, we can provide tailored services to individual homeowners that may be in a dispute with a homeowners association. We can meet with the association representatives on your behalf to negotiate the terms of an agreement on the issue. If an agreement cannot be reached, we can stand up for your rights in court.
MEDIATION SERVICES Mediation is a legal, faster, and less costly way to solve conflict outside of the courts. It often takes the place of other court action. When people in conflict choose to solve their issues through mediation, the final outcome is an agreement. Mediation is so effective that more people are choosing this process to find agreement on issues in their personal and business related disputes. To learn how mediation works, Mr. Gülşen is happy to help you learn about what mediation is and how it could help you. To learn more about the benefits of mediation please click here.
İRFAN GÜLŞEN provides general legal information to help people understand their legal rights in numerous legal topics, but is not a substitute for personal legal advice from an attorney. As laws are constantly changing, only a lawyer can provide you with specific advice to rely on. |